The case of the spraying water bottle

Ok this will be a short blog post but it was too funny not to recount. This past Monday, me and the family were returning home from New York to go back to Florida free celebrating my 9th wedding anniversary with my wife and daughter and attending our friends EPIC wedding in which my daughter … Continue reading The case of the spraying water bottle

Avoided the Deep Freeze!

This week I was supposed to up to Chicago for work but some strange thing happened with the weather and this crazy deep freeze set in. Now I've been in the cold (I worked in Minneapolis for a winter once) but man this one took the cake! I checked the forecast and there was a … Continue reading Avoided the Deep Freeze!

It’s going to be a busy summer

Over the last year I have hoarded a lot of my vacation time. I'm expecting a nasty gram probably next month from the HR system at work saying that I need to take some vacation time since I'm almost maxed out for the year. Have no fear HR automated system, my vacations have been booked … Continue reading It’s going to be a busy summer

Keeping Connected with FaceTime

In a little more than 24 hours I'll be on a plane to go to work in Jersey City from Monday through Friday. This is one of the more painful aspects of my chosen career because of the heavy travel requirements and time away from home. Slowly but surely I have introduced a ton of … Continue reading Keeping Connected with FaceTime

HHonors Diamond at last!

Finally after suffering through not having any status at hotels or airlines due to my inactivity last year, I have finally been able to reach status at one place, namely Hilton Hotels.  The highest status you can get with Hilton is Diamond unless there is some unspoken status that can be achieved but I'm not … Continue reading HHonors Diamond at last!

Heading back to the Garden State

Late last year I predicted that I wouldn't be traveling to New Jersey for the rest of 2011and on that prediction I was pretty spot on. Oh how the travel and consulting gods love to tease me, it would appear that I will be spending a significant amount of time in New Jersey starting next … Continue reading Heading back to the Garden State