Chronicling my Internet Past

I've been on the Internet for quite a while and I've posted a lot of stuff over the years from status updates, check ins, and pictures. There are probably things I've posted that I've long since forgotten about but I'm trying to archive as much of my activity as possible recently just so I can … Continue reading Chronicling my Internet Past

iMovie Fixed!

A few months ago I was trying to use iMovie on my MacBook Pro and for some reason it just wasn't working right. All my videos that were in iPhoto weren't being imported and it was literally driving me mad since there were a lot of movies that I wanted to edit and see. At … Continue reading iMovie Fixed!

Loving My DVD Player in the Odyssey

I've come to have a new appreciation for I car DVD systems. When I purchased the new family Odyssey one of the features that I wanted was to have a DVD system for those really long car rides because the little one needs to have some entertainment. I recently turned the car seat around so … Continue reading Loving My DVD Player in the Odyssey