MacOS Virtualization is awesome with UTM

Back before I had my M2 Pro MacBook Pro, I had an Intel i5 MacBook Pro with TouchBar (which I actually miss, I'm in the minority for that one) and ran VMWare Fusion 12 to attempt to run Windows and MacOS virtual machines because I wanted to experiment with software and what not from the … Continue reading MacOS Virtualization is awesome with UTM

New iPad Pro’s Cost Too Much

It has been 6 years since I have upgraded my iPad. I currently sport the 2017 iPad Pro 10.5 that I actually purchased in 2018 and so far it's been quite good to me. It's been in constant use almost daily and I use it mainly for media consumption and writing blogs like this every … Continue reading New iPad Pro’s Cost Too Much

I Pre-Ordered the iPhone 11 Pro

Here’s something that I haven’t done in a good long time, actually pre-order an iPhone, or any apple device for that matter. I think the last time that I actually stayed up late to do a pre-order was for my iPhone 6. Since then I’ve only upgraded to the iPhone 7 and even then, that … Continue reading I Pre-Ordered the iPhone 11 Pro

Multi-Profiles in iOS please Apple?

WWDC is upon us tomorrow and I've watched all the leak videos on YouTube from most major Apple followers showing off the neat new things like dark mode, new emoji's, and other blah blah blah that really doesn't have a lot of impact on my use of iOS. I'll admit that if some of the … Continue reading Multi-Profiles in iOS please Apple?

Using an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VM for uploading pictures and video to Google Photos

I've been taking a lot more video on the GoPro of late and there is even video that I haven't even moved over to Google Photos yet and I've been struggling to find a good solution on how to upload all those videos without keeping my MacBook Pro on all night. Recently I upgraded my … Continue reading Using an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VM for uploading pictures and video to Google Photos

Goodbye Google Hangouts?

During my perusing of the inter web, I learned that Google might be killing off Google for us regular people and just letting it exist for enterprise customers. I've been using Google Hangouts for a while now, mainly I use it because of the integration with Google Voice. There is also the added benefit that … Continue reading Goodbye Google Hangouts?

Alexa Life with the Echo Dot and UE Blast

Alexa has started to infest my home through the Echo Dot and now the UE Blast. I received the Echo Dot as a present for Christmas so that I could start experimenting with a voice assistant. A little while later, I received a UE Blast which has Alexa voice control while also being a really … Continue reading Alexa Life with the Echo Dot and UE Blast