So Sleepy

These past two days are pretty much a blur for me because I’ve been falling asleep on the couch at home right after I finish dinner. It could be a whole combination of things really. One, I get really sleepy after stuffing myself with my wifes cooking, two, there really isn’t anything good on the tv at night now that all the new shows are done, or three, I’m just trying to catch up on sleep that I’ve missed since moving to South Florida since I’m waking up at least an hour earlier than I used to but I’m still going to bed at around 11 or 12 at night.

I expect a little less sleep in the coming weeks as I transfer my cats to my bedroom for safe keeping. They always seem to wanna play late at night. I’m also anxious about closing on the townhouse my wife and I are purchasing since its supposed to happen this month. It probably adds a little to my restless nights. I’ll probably sleep better once I’m actually in it and have all my crap put away.

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